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Breaking News: Mexico Bans Animal Testing For Cosmetics

by Katrina Younes

Sep 3, 2021

mexico bans animal testing

We're thrilled to announce that the Mexican senate has passed a bill to ban animal testing on cosmetics. Thanks to bill sponsor Senator Ricardo Monreal, votes from congress people and multi-year #BeCrueltyFree campaign from Humane Society International/Mexico and ONG Te Protejo, Mexico is the first country in North America to ban animal testing on cosmetics.

Spread the word.

We join the #BeCrueltyFree Mexico campaigners in echoing their words:

“We are thrilled to see Mexico become the first country in North America to outlaw cosmetic animal testing, and commend our bill sponsor Senator Ricardo Monreal, and all congressmen and women for voting to end cosmetic animal testing in Mexico.”

-Antón Aguilar, executive director of Humane Society International/Mexico

The new federal law prohibits the importing, manufacturing, and marketing of cosmetics tested on animals from anywhere around the world. The bill will now be turned over to the federal executive power for ratification and a date on when the new law will come into effect.

Mexico's move to become the 41st country to band animal testing on cosmetics might push legislative bodies in New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York to solidify their plans to introduce similar bills, and it might even get the U.K. to re-consider the plan to legally require animal testing on cosmetics.

“We thank the Mexican Government for showing leadership on this important issue, and we will continue to work with them to implement the commitments and enforce a robust ban. This is a monumental step forward for animals, consumers and science in Mexico, and this ground-breaking legislation leads the way for the Americas to become the next cruelty-free beauty market, and brings us one bunny-leap closer to a global ban.”

-Antón Aguilar, executive director of Humane Society International/Mexico

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  • Juliet says:

    Charlotte tilbury appears to be leaping bunny certified now, does this mean they’re cruelty free?

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