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Updates to the List of Cruelty-Free Brands

by Aly Laughlin

May 21, 2018

Hello! Here's our latest cruelty-free update for the past 2 months. There are a LOT of new brands being added to the list of cruelty-free brands. As always, the brands added to the list claimed that they:

Spread the word.

  • Don't test finished products or ingredients on animals.
  • Don't have suppliers who test on animals.
  • Don't allow any third parties to test on animals on their behalf.
  • Don't sell cosmetics in physical stores in mainland China.
  • Don't test on animals where required by law.

For the full animal testing policies and questions answered by each brand, please scroll to the end of this post. You can see the correspondence that we received from each brand.

New Brands

Here's the complete list of the brands that were added:

Leaping Bunny Brands

I am excited to share that out of this list,Dr. Brite, Formulary 55, Madison Reed and Reverie are all certified by Leaping Bunny!

Brand Policies + Correspondence

Here's the correspondence for each of the brands being added.


Thank you for contacting ABBA. For over 25 years, the ABBA brand has been cruelty-free. Below is the statement on our website:

ABBA® has a strict policy that animals can NEVER be used for testing in the creation, development or formulation of our products. We also require that all of our raw material and ingredient suppliers sign a commitment stating that none of the raw materials or ingredients that they sell to us have ever been tested on animals. Like you, we never want to see animals harmed and are proud to produce and sell Cruelty-Free beauty products.

ABBA products are not sold in China.


Sure, please see below answers:

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No, we do not test on animals.
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? Our suppliers also do not test on animals and are certified cruelty free.
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No we do not.
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No we do not.
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No our products are not sold in any stores in mainland China.

We are also certified by CCF (Choose Cruelty Free) and officially listed on their website

Captain Blankenship

Thanks so much for contacting us and for fighting for animal rights!
We never test on animals. We only test on ourselves, our family and friends. Our products are made with only organic and wildharvested ingredients and the formulas are very straightforward.

1. Can you guarantee that your products are not tested on animals at any point during production, from the ingredients to the finished product? YES
2. Can you guarantee that your company does not test on animals? YES
3. Can you guarantee that none of your suppliers test on animals? YES
4. Can you guarantee that no third parties test on animals on behalf of your company? YES
5. Do you test on animals where required by law? NO

Christophe Robin

Thank you for reaching out. Our products are made in Italy and we are a French company, European law strictly forbids testing on animals, hence we are cruelty-free.
We do not test on animal wherever authorities require it by law, and we are not sold in China.
We always make sure to work with suppliers who share our values and ethics.

de Mamiel

Great to hear from you and thanks for getting in touch. de Mamiel is absolutely cruelty free!

1.Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No, It is one of our checks that they do not.
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? We don't sell in any places where this is required.
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No. We have no authorised or do we intend to sell in mainland China.


dpHUE can answer NO to all of these questions.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Formulary 55 (Leaping Bunny certified)

All of our products are vegan and certified cruelty free by Leaping Bunny.

Gerard Cosmetics

All of our products are cruelty free. The answer to all of your below questions is No.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Gloss Moderne

Thank you so much for reaching out! Please see our responses below – we are happy to share that GLOSS MODERNE is completely cruelty-free!

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

HANA Organic Skincare

We do no animal testing ourselves, and none of our ingredients are tested on animals.
Our website homepage has the 'cruelty free' logo/stamp of approval. The majority of our ingredients are purchased
from Mountain Rose Herbs in Oregon, if you would like to see more detail. We are a very small business, and I make
all the products myself. No products are sold in mainland China.

After a followup email, they also confirmed that they do not allow third parties to test on animals on their behalf.

House of Lashes

All HOL products are cruelty-free and eco-friendly, we love animals and all living creatures so we pledge to keep our products this way. Please note, we currently do not have any wholesalers or distributors in China that hold our products.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Iles Formula

Thank you for inquiring about ILES FORMULA. We certainly don't and will never test our products on animals. Products are tested by our stylist creator first on herself and then on all sorts of hair types but never on animals. We don't sell in mainland China.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Laura Geller

Thank you for reaching out to us.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? - NO
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? - NO
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? - NO
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? - NO
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? - NO

Lina Hanson

Thanks for your email and interest in our products.

1. Does your company hat test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? no. like you we are very much against animal testing.
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? no- we do our best to make sure that any producers we buy our ingredients from also avoid testing on animals and to our knowledge all of our suppliers comply.
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? no- we have never done that. Sounds horrible!
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? no- we don't sell anywhere that animal testing is required.
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? we do not sell our products in mainland China.

Lit Cosmetics

Answers below:

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? NO
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? NO
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? NO
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? NO
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? NO

Everything is vegan and gluten free.

Madison Reed (Leaping Bunny certified)

You'll be glad to know that we do NOT test on animals. Leaping Bunny, a third-party organization, has certified that no animal testing has been commissioned or conducted by the company or by the suppliers of our ingredients. The Leaping Bunny logo will soon be proudly featured on all our packaging and our website.

At Madison Reed, we are proud to offer products that are socially responsible and that we source our ingredients according to European guidelines. The European Union has very stringent regulatory standards and expressly bans cosmetic testing on animals. Our goal is to ensure humane practices for production, and we are committed to animal preservation.


Thank you for your email.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? We absolutely do not use any of our products on animals for testing purposes and do not condone the use of animals for cosmetic testing.
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No our suppliers do not test on animals
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No our company doesn't hire or allow third parties to test on animals on our behalf
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? Fortunately our brand isn't associated with regions that test on animals by law.
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? Here is a list of our international distributors, you will see we do not have any in China

MV Organic Skincare

Thank you for contacting us!

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No


At Ouidad we use the finest ingredients that insure we achieve curl performance. We do not test on animals and consider our formulas to be cruelty free.

The answer is no to all of the questions.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No


Thank you for thinking of Rahua, see below:

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients?
2. Do your suppliers test on animals?
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on
animals on your behalf?
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law?
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China?

Rare Elements

Thank you for contacting Rare El'ements. We've answered your questions below.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No


Please find our response below. Thank you for reaching out and adding Reverie to your list.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? NO
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? NO
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? NO
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? We do not retail in countries where animal testing is required.
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? NO

Rita Hazan

Thanks for your inquiry. Please see answers below:

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? NO
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? NO
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? NO
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? NO
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? NO

Rossano Ferretti

Please find the answers to your questions below.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? NO We are committed to providing natural and cruelty free products
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? NO
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? NO
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? NO
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? NO


The answer on your question is all no.
Animal testing is not allowed in the EU since many years and we have never done it.
I have now checked with our manufacturer and since we only buy raw materials and ingredients from suppliers in the EU they are under the non-animal testing regulation.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Smith and Cult

Thank you for reaching out! Please see below:

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? No
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? No
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? No
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Stargazer Cosmetics

Pleased to hear that you’re interested in our cruelty free policy. We do not test on any animals, we do not sell to suppliers who do test on animals, we do not ship our products to China, and we do not have any third party companies that test on animals for us. We’re completely against animal testing, and we’re currently looking to break into the vegan safe market as well.

Youth to the People

Thanks for the email. We do not test nor do our suppliers test on animals. Our products are also 100% vegan. Also Answers below.

1. Does your company test on animals, either for finished products or ingredients? We do not
2. Do your suppliers test on animals? They do not
3. Does your company hire or allow third parties to test on animals on your behalf? We do not
4. Do you test on animals wherever the authorities require it by law? No
5. Are your products sold in stores in mainland China? No

Which Brands Are Cruelty-Free?

Download our list of 600+ verified cruelty-free brands straight to your device. Bring it with you everywhere you go, and never worry about supporting animal testing again. Click here to download

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  • Didi Younginer says:

    Fiera cosmetics claims they are cruelty free, however, I cannot find them listed in any “cruelty free” list. Do you know if they are in fact a “cruelty free” cosmetic company?
    Here is what they sent me when I questioned them.

    Thank you for contacting Fièra Cosmetics!

    I would like to mention that not all companies that are cruelty-free are listed on the site but rest assured that we are a cruelty-free organization and that our products are safe to use.

    All Fièra products undergo testing for harmful levels of many ingredients, and we put forth our best efforts to ensure safe, environmentally friendly products for our valued customers. All materials in our line have been tested and either meet or exceed all U.S., Canada, and country-specific standards for human safety. None of our products are ever tested on animals.

    Fièra Cosmetics is a non-GMO, cruelty-free organization. In addition, we do not use any human-derived ingredients or materials in our product line. The stem cells in our products are derived from various fruit extracts and our collagen is derived from a plant source that is used to boost your natural collagen production.

    If you need any additional assistance, please contact Customer Happiness Team at 833-693-4372. You can reach us Monday – Sunday between the hours of 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

    Thank you!
    Customer Happiness Team

  • Adriana says:

    So basically a company just has to answer questions, but not really prove that they’re cruelty free?? That makes me wonder how truthful companies may be

  • ryme says:

    good post

  • Yelizaveta says:

    Love your website! If possible, could you do a brand list of CF Korean brands?

  • Shelley says:

    I’m suspicious of Morphe’s response that they do not have any distributors in China… aren’t their products actually *manufactured* in China? I’m sure that requires they be tested on animals as per Chinese law.

    • Suzi Scheler says:

      Manufacturing and distributing are two separate things, fortunately. Companies can manufacture products in China and be cruelty-free as long as they don’t also sell those products in China. Likewise, some companies don’t manufacture products in China yet they decide to sell their products there which requires animal testing. Hoping this clarifies it. 🙂

  • Lexi says:

    Hi, I’m from the Uk and I just want to make a suggestion for the cruelty free list. In England we have a shop called the co-operative, they sell cruelty free, and vegan, nail varnish, as well as cruelty free cleaning products. Wasn’t sure if they were already on the list or not?

  • Carol I. Picciolo says:

    Thank you for this very informative product update. Is Trilogy cruelty-free? I browsed this brand today while shopping at Whole Foods. Here is what I read on Trilogy’s Website: “Trilogy is a cruelty-free skincare brand and we’re against animal testing. We do not test our ingredients, product prototypes or finished products on animals and we work closely with our ingredient suppliers to ensure they are aware of our company values and policies. Both our BioGro Organic Certification and NATRUE Natural Cosmetics Certification guarantee that our cruelty-free beauty products are not tested on animals.” I purchased their balm which is an all-purpose product for lips, cuticles, etc. Please let me know about their CF status because I will return this product if not cruelty-free.

  • I have just gone cruelty free with all my beauty products, and I am so glad Morphe is now cruelty free!! These lists have helped me so much. Thank you!x

  • zander says:

    hey, just wondering if you could look into adding beauty bakerie to the list? from what i’ve seen, they’re cruelty free 🙂 apologies in advance if i’m wrong, though!

  • Elizabeth De Pasquale says:

    Hi Suzy,
    So glad to have found this site! I just learned that Dollar Tree (I live in NYC) is currently selling several items that are cruelty free. Salon Selectives Shampoo and Conditioner and all Dermasil lotions are not tested on animals and only $1 each!
    Will post pictures if able.

  • Mary says:

    Thank you for all your hard work, it was so easy to leave brands that test on animals with all your handy information!

  • Samantha Fay says:

    Hey Suzi, have you looked into The Perth Soap company? It’s a Canadian company that have bar soaps, hand soaps & lotions that are amazing!

  • Debra says:

    Thanks so much for your continued work in keeping us all updated. I stick to your list when purchasing products. Can you tell me if Dr.Teals is cruelty free? It’s not on your list,but their packaging says they do not test on animals.

  • Jacquie says:

    Thanks for such dedication in updating this list! Love Lit & Christophe Robin especially. xxx

  • Lauren says:

    This is amazing! Thank you so much for what you do and for constantly updating us with what’s going on in the cruelty-free cosmetic world. I love visiting your site and I consult it every time I am looking to buy new products!

  • Cathy says:

    Hi! I love your lists. Very helpful. What about Yuni and One Love Organics? I don’t remember seeing either of those brands on your skincare list, but they are both cruelty-free. 🙂

  • Nadia B-Mainville says:

    Dear Suzi, tks for the new list. Unfortunatly, where I live (in Montreal, Canada) none of the listed names of products are sold. Don’t know if you could extend your research to Canada, though?

    • Sarah says:

      I have the same issue, Nadia! Being cruelty-free seems much easier if you’re in the US. Living this lifestyle definitely puts privilege into perspective.

    • Suzi Scheler says:

      I’m based in Canada and although it’s not as easy to find cruelty-free brands in stores, I can find everything online! Pharmaprix has some options for makeup, but for everything else I use iHerb, Amazon, and a few others. If you’re into “green beauty”, Eco Diva Beauty is Canada-based. I hope this helps but let me know if you’re looking for something specific. 🙂

  • Jessica says:

    Thank you Suzi…it makes me feel better when you’ve done the research. I know it’s done right. I sincerely appreciate everything you do! Jessica

  • Emma says:

    Thank you for the updated list.
    This makes it just so easy to shop 🙂

  • Miana says:

    Thank you for keeping us up to date on products that do not test on animal. I use this list all the time when searching for new products or brands I think about purchasing! 🙂

  • Kat says:

    Didn’t HoL’s response to the China part seem like they may at some point sell in China? They stated that they currently do not have distributors in china, which made it sound like they may in the future.

  • Carol I. Picciolo says:

    Thank you so much for this new list of CF products. I appreciate your hard work so much. Suzi, you listed Hempz as a CF shampoo choice. So their body lotions and bath products should be CF as well. Hempz features great body lotions; I like their Age-Defying Herbal Body Moisturizer. Ulta frequently offers good sales on Hempz products.

  • Akriti Pandey says:

    Hi Suzi. Really appreciate your hard work. I am so happy that Laura Geller is Cruelty free. Did you hear that L’Oréal is selling The Body Shop ?

    • Suzi Scheler says:

      Yes, I’ve been looking into it and there’s a possibility the company that acquired it could be cruelty-free. I’ll have a post up soon!

  • Cara says:

    Would it be possible to find out if Bain de Terre is cruelty free?

    • Michael Pham says:

      I looked at their website to find their sister companies, and Joico is one of them. I would assume that Bain de Terre is not cruelty free, as they don’t mention anything about animal testing policies and etc on their website. https://www.baindeterre.com/where-to-buy on this website, they seem to sell in the Russian Federation. I’m not sure if they are exempt from testing on animals in Russia, but I’m pretty sure that they do test when required by law. Bain de Terre sounds pretty sketchy of a brand, to be honest.

  • Biba says:

    Off topic but, have any of you guys heard of Robanda?

  • Is it me or is Stargazer’s ‘we do not ship our products to China’ a bit vague? I heard a while ago that they had a physical shop in China and I stopped using their products. Also, I had no idea Laura Geller was cruelty-free! Keep up the good work x

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